Popular Attractions in Saudi Arabia

Al-Thumama Entertainment Village
Telephone Number: +966 1 260 6667
Fax: +966 1 261 0004
Website: thumamah
Al Faisaliyah Center
King Fahad Road, Olaya, Riyadh 11491, Saudi Arabia
Tel 966.1.273.2000
King Abdul Aziz Military Museum
King Abdul Aziz Road
Riyadh, 1153
Saudi Arabia
+966 1 482 8800
Al Musmak Castle
Address: Al-Bathaa, city center
Hours: Saturday to Thursday 8am to 12pm and 4pm to 9pm. Men only on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. On the other days women may visit accompanied by male family members
Admission: Free
Riyadh Museum for History and Archaeology
Address: West of the old city center, Al-Bathaa
Phone Number: (0)1 419 1210
Admission: SR 15
Riyadh National Zoo
Animal Kingdom!
Address: Al-Ihsa Street, Riyadh,
Open Hours: Sun-Fri
Kingdom Centre
Address: Al-Urubah Road,
between King Fahd Road and Olaya Street, in the Olaya business district
Phone Number: +966 (0)1 211 2222
Email Address: kc@kingdomcenter.com.sa
Website: Kingdom Center
Hours: The shopping mall opens 9am to 12pm, and again from 4pm to 11pm
Riyadh Money Museum
Money Museum
Al Ma'ather Street , P.O.Box 6992
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
phone: +966 1 466 2927
fax: +966 1 466 2980
Perkez Land (Al-Rawda Branch)
Prince Naser Bin Abdul Aziz Street , District Al-Rawda
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
phone: +966 1 492 1611
Shoaib Heraimelah
Shoaib Heraimelah , 86 km from Riyadh
Riyadh, Saudi Arab
Saudi Caves